Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Rules of Play: What to Know Before You Begin

 Rules of Play: What to Know Before You Begin

by: Julia Tanner

Although swinging is a great way to branch out from your ordinary experience, there are some things that you want to keep in mind to keep everyone happy and safe.

NO means NO

If you are in a swinging experience and another person decides that they don’t want to participate or changes their mind about something that they are doing, you must listen to them. This is not a game of pushing limits, so if someone is uncomfortable, then you must be ready to stop. They might not be ready for something just yet. Maybe they will be later.


Being in a sexual experience or situation with someone else can be an exhilarating experience, but only if you feel like you are being treated with respect. You don’t want anyone being rude or judgmental to you, do you? On the same note, if the couples in the situation have set certain rules of play, then you need to honor them.


If you are rejected, then try not to take it personally. Being in this open and honest environment is extremely satisfying, but also very honest. If someone is not interested, then move on. It’s nothing personal.


If you or your partner experiences any feelings of jealousy, then you want to talk about them right away. Find out what made you jealous and try to compromise on a way to solve the issue. Don’t keep quiet about it, it can make it even worse.

Common sense

If you feel uncomfortable with a person, then remove yourself from the situation. Even if your partner is happy, trust yourself and your feelings to guide you to safe and happy swinging experiences. Watch another person’s body language. If they look uncomfortable, stop what you are doing or saying. If they seem to be responding to you, then you’re in a good groove.

Privacy matters

The life of swinging involves a certain amount of discretion for everyone involved. Since not everyone is as open as you, you will need to feel as though whatever goes on in the swinging situation will stay between the persons involved. Activities are not shared with ANYONE else, only with each other.

Honoring your partner

Make sure that your partner realizes that they are the most important part of the swinging experience. Don’t just arrive at the club or other location and dash off with someone else. Take the time to touch and be affectionate with your partner before going onto anything else. Show them that they are the number one in your life. Find a way to show each other that you’re thinking of them. Some couples like to reserve certain acts for each other alone. And leaving together at the end of the fun also shows your commitment to each other.

Taking the time to set up rules before starting to swing will help you avoid any problems in the future. Research everything and make sure to communicate with your partner. And have fun!

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