Saturday, December 30, 2006

Lines You Shouldn’t Cross When Swinging

Lines You Shouldn’t Cross

by: Julia Tanner

A person who is just looking over swinging as a fun way to have more sex doesn’t understand the true meaning of this lifestyle.

Swinging is a way to explore your sexual fantasies and boundaries with the blessing and support of your partner. And by enjoying each other in this way, you enable better communication and deeper trust of your relationship.

But there are always ways to get your self into trouble.

There Are No Little White Lies

When it comes to a swinging relationship, there is no such thing as a little white lie. Each and every lie that you tell will become an issue. There needs to be a perfect atmosphere of trust and truthfulness in order to feel comfortable with each other.

And in any sort of future for the relationship among the group of couples.

This is really why the recommendation is that only strong couples get into swinging. The stronger the couple is, the more likely that good communication lines are already in place.

To think of it another way, you need to be sure that you can trust the other couple as well. At the very least your privacy may be compromised. At the most, you can be emotionally hurt.

Crossing Over Boundaries

Swinging can be a great tool to overcome any sexual anxieties that you might have, but there are limits to this journey.

For one, you can not assume that just because you want something to happen during a particular sexual excursion that the other person does as well.

Of course, talking about these boundaries ahead of time will help.

But you also want to stick to what you’re promised to do. Just because you think that you may be ‘helping’ someone overcome something does not mean that they are necessarily ready.

When someone tells you to stop or that they are uncomfortable, you need to stop IMMEDIATELY.

You will destroy a perfectly good relationship in a moment of weakness.

Keeping Quiet

On the other hand, the other person will not know about your boundaries unless you tell them ahead of time.

This is no time to be shy with another couple or with your own partner. Be clear and up front about the relationship that you are trying to pursue.

You may want to set up a specific time for everyone to meet up in a non-sexual environment. This is a great way to continuously have the lines of communication open for anything that may not be easy to talk about in a certain mood or setting.

Find a neutral place that is semi-private and give everyone a chance to talk. If there are problems, then address them at that point or discuss them and set up another time to figure out solutions.

When you don’t say anything, you are setting yourself up for problems.

Issues like jealously and anger can rear their ugly heads quite quickly when there is silence. But a little talking can do a world of good and keep everyone feeling good about themselves and their sexual power. 

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